Friday, December 17, 2010

Improperly Dressed

Dear Peregrin,

I have an administrative position for a large medical group. In this dream I am at one of our health centers. It is large, there are many floor levels, many people. I'm not dressed properly, I'm wearing an old T-shirt and shorts and no bra. I'm embarrassed about my looks, hoping no one will notice. A bus of new patients arrives. I go outside to greet them. I direct them inside, leading them to where they need to go. I'm still embarrassed about my appearance, but make up for it by being exceptionally accommodating and treating them well. I seat them and ask what kind of magazine they would like while they wait. I find just the right kind for them. An observing doctor is pleased at my actions, not seeming to notice my appearance. A final image is one of papers being stapled along the edges with many staples.


Good morning, G-Cleff.

I see the improper dress as an expression of feeling inadequate, possibly for reasons not directly related to the situation. The dream seems to be an affirmation of your belief that performance outweighs appearances.

Could the papers be a report? A performance review? Or, is the act of stapling the most important aspect: having all your affairs in order?

Pleasant dreams,



  1. Dear Peregrin,
    Thank you, Peregrin, for your translation of my dream, Improperly Dressed". You are exactly right: I DO believe performance outweighs appearances. I am in a work situation where my previous boss put far TOO much emphasis on appearances. I AM overdue for a performance appraisal, and my new boss has not yet gotten to it. The stapling could very well be getting things in order, or at least trying to get everything together.
    Thank you for your thoughtful interpretation.
    Pleasant dreams,

  2. Good morning, G-Cleff.
    You stole my signoff!
    Seriously, I'm happy that you found something in my words that you could use.
    Pleasant dreams,


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