Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lift Spider

Dear Peregrin,

I'm 24. I dreamt I was in a hotel with my parents. We were trying to take the elevator somewhere. When the lift door closed, I saw my Dad twitch. He quietly told us that there was a spider and told us not to be scared. When the lift door opened, I saw the biggest spider I've ever seen in my life. It was the width of the entire elevator and it was just quietly hidden above the elevator door, with only its big legs and part of its body exposed. My parents ran out and I ran out after them. We had to take the elevator a few more times. The spider did not attempt to jump down and hurt us. It just stayed where it was.

I am so freaked out! This morning when I woke up to take the elevator, I glanced up the lift door, scared to see something, yet scared not to check before I walked under it. =(

Good morning, Shue.

Of course, most people do have some fear of spiders. They has a particularly terrifying appearance, and their method of feeding (sucking the life-blood from their victims) evokes ancient horrors.
To dream of such a huge spider would make you the right size for its prey, so we're looking for something that makes you feel like this when you're awake. This could mean a stalker, a rapist, or any number of real-life fears. Even a particularly creepy co-worker would qualify.

You encounter the spider in an elevator (maybe a touch of claustrophobia here?), where it sits above the door. It could strike at anyone entering or leaving, but doesn't. This tells me that you are afraid of something that might happen, but hasn't yet. You don't know what the spider is waiting for, so you think it could strike at any time. Plus, you can't avoid it because you have to use the lift. So you're encountering your fear several times a day, and you can't avoid it.

You are with your parents in the dream. This might indicate that the fear you're dreaming of is more in the past, in which case you may have recently had an experience that re-awakened it. Or it might mean that you feel authority figures are powerless to help you, seeing how your Dad warns you but doesn't directly confront the spider - both your parents run from it just as you must if you want to escape.

None of this tells me exactly what it is that you fear. You encounter it several times a day (or did as a child). Dealing with it (or him/her) drains you of energy, and you don't believe anyone can make it go away.

But I don't believe in problems that can't be solved. If you can identify the source of your fear from these clues, you can find a solution. Remember, you can't see the entire spider from your vantage point. It might be less formidable than you think.

Pleasant dreams,


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